Alimony payments can be frustrating and even difficult to keep up with. You may find that you are in a position where you aren’t making as much money, but you are still expected to make the same payments. Your spouse also may be in a position where it doesn’t make sense to continue to pay the same amount in alimony (if any at all).
Is there a way to get alimony reduced? Can you terminate alimony entirely?
If you have what is considered “substantial changes in circumstances” and you are paying alimony in Florida, there may be a chance to get your alimony reduced. Some of the reasons why you may get alimony reduced include:
These are all reasons for a reduction—but what about terminating alimony altogether?
There are a couple of reasons for the full termination of alimony. If a spouse has remarried, the alimony may be terminated. The other is if the person that is being paid alimony has entered into a relationship in which the person they are residing with is financially supporting them. This is where things get tricky…
If you suspect that your ex-spouse is living with someone else and is being fully supported while still getting alimony payments, you can take the case to court to have your alimony terminated. With that said, you need proof. The court won’t just take your word for it.
In order to get proof, you’ll want to hire a private investigator. A private investigator is able to gather information about how long the relationship has lasted, if your ex and someone else are living together, what the nature of their relationship is, and what their financial relationship is. Armed with this information, you can ask a judge to terminate your alimony.
You shouldn’t have to pay your ex-spouse’s bills if they have remarried or moved in with someone else! If you suspect your spouse is taking advantage of your alimony payments, contact Southern Recon to look into the issue and gather evidence that you can use to reduce or eliminate your alimony.
A private investigator is a professional that is hired to gather evidence to solve problems their clients are having. These professionals are licensed, and they are able to use techniques and resources to gather information that is not available to most people.
If you are having trouble gathering information and require the help of a professional, a private investigator is your best bet.
There are a lot of services private investigators provide, and many different types of investigators. While they can take photos to gather evidence, that’s not all they do. Private investigators often have security clearance, industry resources, specialized software, and more. They also have the skills required to gather evidence to prove a case in court. A lot of private investigators are former detectives or have some sort of government background.
Private investigators are for cases that involve civil law, and do not get involved in cases where law enforcement is involved.
A private investigator is able to gather evidence that you may not have otherwise been able to gather on your own. They can find hidden assets, provide photo evidence, and prove an ex-spouse is living with someone else. From there, the evidence can be taken to court to prove to the judge that the ex-spouse is taking advantage of the alimony being provided.
The cost of hiring a private investigator will depend on a few different factors. Often, private investigators will charge an hourly rate. This may be around $75-$125 an hour for a basic service. With that said, it may be upwards of $150-$350 an hour for specialized services like cyber investigation, forensics, and other specialized services. Reach out to Southern Recon for more information about what costs can be expected for your private investigation.
Hiring a private investigator may feel like an extreme step. We all want to trust people we were formerly in a relationship with. That said, once a relationship ends, a former spouse may show their true colors. They may not be the person you thought they were. That could include trying to scam you on alimony.
When you start looking for a private investigator, search for one in your local area. From there, check some of their reviews if they are available. Also check for any news, articles, profiles in trade organizations or associations, and anything else you can find about them.
You’ll also want to make sure they are licensed. A legitimate private investigator will be able to prove to you their status as a licensed professional. Look for a team that has the resources you need as well. This includes a qualified staff, the right equipment for the job, and so on.
Because private investigators have different fields that they specialize in, make sure the private investigator you are considering is skilled in the specific field you are looking for help with. Don’t just hire a “jack of all trades.” Hire a specialist that is able to provide quality services.
If you have an upcoming custody battle with an unfit parent, contact a private investigator for help with your case.
Southern Recon is able to provide a variety of different private investigation services for our clients. These include:
Our team is able to expertly determine fraud, theft, infidelity, and more through photography, video surveillance, and more.
Our team at Southern Recon Agency offers investigation services that are tailored for attorneys. We provide both investigation services and technical security for external and internal information, communications, and data.
Our team at Southern Recon Agency offers investigation services that are tailored for attorneys. We provide both investigation services and technical security for external and internal information, communications, and data.
Along with alimony fraud, a private investigator can help with child custody cases. You want to have as much time with your child as possible, but your spouse may be blocking you. This can be especially excruciating when you know they aren’t a fit parent.
While you may know that your ex-spouse isn’t a good parent, the court may not believe you. You are going to need to provide evidence for this. That’s where a private investigation company comes in.
At Southern Recon, we are able to collect evidence of neglect and abuse. This can include interviewing those close to the child, collecting physical evidence, doing a background check, and more.
There are extreme cases where an ex-spouse knows they aren’t fit but don’t want to give you access to your child. When this is the case, a private investigator can help you with locating your child.
If you are looking for help to prove your ex-spouse is taking advantage of your alimony settlement, contact Southern Recon. We have the skills, tools, and knowledge to investigate the issue and provide proof that will hold up in court.
Don’t allow your ex to scam you! Reach out to Southern Recon today.